The Industry Council Competition of the Rudolf Diesel Board of Trustees discusses and analyzes the challenges of the Chief Technology Officer or Chief Technical Officer in the industry to shape a technical vision for the company. The position papers contain a presentation of the challenges as well as concrete recommendations for action and are aimed at top decision-makers in business, politics, science and the interested public. The position papers are compiled by members of the Rudolf Diesel Board of Trustees, the Dean's Office and members of the CTO Forum and published by the Industrial Council Competition.
Industry 4.0 and IP
The Industry Council of the Rudolf Diesel Medal CTO Forum develops position papers on the role of intellectual property (IP) in the Industry 4.0 environment.
The aim of the study is to determine the position of German industry on the use of IP to protect digital business models and ecosystems and to promote interdisciplinary creativity. It also identifies best practices in German industry and develops recommendations.
Technological change is progressing at an unprecedented speed - what used to take 10 years is now happening in just a few months.
We understand the challenges that digitalization brings with it - but also the opportunities that arise from it.
Only those who think technology and IP together will remain successful.

Prof. Dr. Alexander J. Wurzer
German Institute for Inventions - D.I.E. e.V.

Dr. Dominique Christ
Dennemeyer Consulting GmbH